Monday, January 26, 2009

why I like my job

Yes, I am a college graduate working retail and food service... it's busy and doesn't pay extremely well. BUT I know that at this moment, it is where God has me. Will a nursing job come along soon and replace one or both of these? I feel like I should hope so. I finally received my state licensure and am applying.

But I was thinking on the way home tonight that I just really like this new job at Chipotle. Like really a lot.

1. The people are so great! and funny!

2. I get free food. Every shift. Granted, there is danger here that someday I will no longer enjoy Chipotle. But the ever-loved chicken burrito that has long been both my celebration food and comfort food is saved for non-work occasions.

3. Health insurance as a part-time worker. I think that's a great thing and that everyone (WAL-MART) should do on principle, but for me right now, it sure ROCKS to have a way to get insurance without pre-existing condition exclusions.

4. At least half the crew speaks Spanish as their first language. And they think it's great that I can speak some, and we speak Spanish together, no laughing at me involved. LOVE IT.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Ooh! Ooh! Health insurance on a part-time job, no pre-existing conditions included! I'm so jealous. Maybe I'll quit my current job and start working at Chipotle...probably not, actually, but it does sound nice.