Monday, July 13, 2020

A collection of hoarded quotes

Be joyful
Though you have considered all the facts.
--Wendell Berry

"Moral strength is defined by how we react in times of stress."
--Chidi, The Good Place, season 2, episode 7

"I don't say 'no' a lot, did I pronounce that right?"
--Janet, The Good Place, season 4, episode 8

"Turns out life isn't a puzzle that can just be solved one time and it's done. You wake up every day and you solve it again."
--Chidi, The Good Place, season 4, episode 9

"We're all going to be longing until we're face to face with Christ."
--Lore Wilbert on Christine Hoover's By Faith Podcast episode on Loneliness and Friendship

"My need for the Holy Spirit is greater than anyone else's need for me."
--Lore Wilbert, same place

"Things are pretty bad, Mister Rogers.
"It's not just that one bad thing has happened so much as that one bad thing has happened in the middle of so many other bad things, and now the whole world feels like chaos.
"Nobody is curious. Everybody is a know-it-all. Nobody is listening.
"People are shouting and afraid. The news, the computers, the televisions are all so loud."
--Rebecca K Reynolds in her blog post "Dear Mister Rogers"

"Calcified" as a descriptor of our political system, from the Art of Manliness Podcast episode 604

Favorites Round-Up

Insta-breaking has me needing to document all my favorites, and influential things of note lately:

This article where Rebecca K Reynolds looks at Trump’s style and influence. The line: “Trump sucker punched where he should have courted” spoke to my soul.

This episode of the Good Enough Podcast about how to have an integrated view of emotions, specifically anxiety. I cannot wait to get my eyeballs on Matt LaPine’s book in the Fall.

This quote from Molly Wood (emphasis mine) on Episode 222 of Make Me Smart, describing a woman in Florida speaking before her city council, "facebooking out loud. Like, she just spews a whole bunch of conspiracy theories all at once, like that 5G's going to kill you, Pizzagate, I mean it's remarkable. And what I couldn't shake from it is that it's like--I tried to tweet this with empathy, like, Don't assume this person is dumber than you. Assume that she lives in a completely different universe of information."

Also I just finished my Fiddle Leaf class and Zoom consultation with Emily at The Dossier Blog and I'm feeling so smart and ready to keep this poor plant alive!