Thursday, September 24, 2009

turtle stories again

You may have seen this popular video. It seems so cruel to laugh at the kid, but he was asking for trouble and attention, both of which he received. And his accent is great.

Well I experienced a similar situation today. First I took Shin & Kibo outside. It was Kibo's first time outside! They loved it. Rosie loved interacting with Shin. She would stand back, and every time Shin would move she would jump, yes JUMP with surprise. She'd move closer in curiosity to sniff and then as soon as Shin would move she would jump backwards, eyebrows raised, again. It was a funny exchange watching this happen at least 25 times.

But then I took Shin inside and washed her off and she was of course unhappy. She's tried to bite me multiple times but today she succeeded. Took a nice chunk out of the end of my thumb. So I'm here to say "Shin bit me. And it really hurts."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


This message brought to you by the great Katie Herzig.

Split yourself down the middle
Take one half away
Make one seem the best so the least can have its way
Split yourself down the middle
Make one side the past
You're left with the future and maybe it will last

Sell all of your burdens
Keep all of your prayers
And then say good-bye to the life that got you here
It isn't as easy
As I thought it'd be
Choosing the side that is everything I need

Split yourself down the middle
Take one half away
Make one side the best so the least can have its way
Split yourself down the middle
Make one side the past
You're left with the future and, baby, it'll last

Saturday, September 19, 2009

shots in Sedona

So yesterday I drove about 3 hrs to Sedona (google said it would only take 2.5, lies) to give flu shots. I gave 63 flu shots and 7 pneumonia shots too. It was officially my first day working as a nurse. It was kind of nice. Kind of fun to wear the nametag with my RN title on it and answer people's questions. But of course, not the situation I expected for myself a year ago..... I never would have expected this of myself either-- after sitting for toooo loooong, before getting in my car to drive back, I took a mile-long jog around Sedona because I just really really wanted to. That was nice.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Grilled California Avocado BLT Burgers with Caramelized Chipotle Onions

This is Jessica, Adam, and Amanda. Look at those delish gourmet burgers that we all worked together to make and then enjoyed together! Then we watched So I Married an Axe Murderer. Yaaah.

feeling accomplished

I ran one mile today. It's the third time I've ever run a mile. It's the first time I've ever done it by myself.

One time, my first year on the high school swim team, the pool heater was broken so we were doing exercises on the deck and had to run a mile in laps around the pool. I thought I was going to die, even though I was relatively in shape then.

Last summer, my dear friend Christy and I decided we were going to run. (We also tried this freshmen year of college, but it didn't turn out as well.) I was staying with her during summer school and we went to the gym often. After consistent time on the treadmill, I worked my way up to running one mile with her right alongside me doing the same. Right after that, my thyroid decided to wreck my summer plans, so I never made it further.

But today... alas, today... I went to the gym and ran a mile on the treadmill. Because I really really wanted to, and am full of determination and perhaps desperation. And now I feel accomplished but still eager for more. You see, running is something I've wanted to do a long time. But through schedules, whacky metabolism leading to passing out, or just my own lack of discipline, it has never become something consistent in my life and has never moved past something full of cramps and soreness into something near enjoyable. Well, this is the time when that changes.

My thyroid is now controlled. My job and activity level allows for time and energy that need to be devoted to this. I really want it. Plus, I have a great goal in mind: the 5K Crisis Pregnancy Center Walk for Life on October 24. So hopefully, I'll be able to run (and through that, achieve a goal, grow in discipline, and maybe get more healthy) and also raise money for a great organization! That is da plan.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

downs & ups

Ugh. I am disappointed this week because the schedule for Flu Shot Clinics came out, and they are all far away! The closest one is 2.5 hours from where I live. Being the eternal optimist I am, (plus, the advertising of the company was a tad misleading, too, I believe) I had thought I could work a flue shot clinic for a few hours, work at Chipotle at night, easily get at least 30 hours a week giving shots. Now I'm signed up for four clinics, the closest ones I could find. Because driving 5 hours each way is not feasible. Weak sauce.

But on a happier note.... (and it really was something happy after that disappointment)... tonight I was at an Asian market with Ephrem. He insisted they had some cake better than Sams Club sheet cake (which wasn't true, by the way). And while we were there, I found Guanabana flavored Boing! Boing is a brand of juice that Kirsten and I used to get in Cuernavaca, Mexico all the time during our stay in Summer 2006. I LOVED that stuff and haven't been able to find it since, even at the Mexican market... but there it was, on an end cap next to cooked octopus and live catfish.

This is me tonight

And me in 2006.