Friday, January 22, 2010

boyfriend visit:)

Andrew left this morning from his 8-day visit to Colorado. It was his first time in the state! We did lots of fun things like go snowshoeing, outdoor ice skating, visit the zoo, tour the mint, and see Garden of the Gods. We played some games and watched some movies. And I got to hang out with Andrew more than ever before!! It was so awesome there are no words. Forgive me for my inadequate description of the amazingness, but the truth is, he left this morning and I am sad.

But, for the first time ever, Andrew and Sarah took a picture together:)

We went snowshoeing to Brainard Lake. It was fun.

We all had lunch and cheesecake on Sunday. Mom, Dad, Sarah, Andrew, Paul, Becca, Ben, Rachel, and Charlie. What a good-looking bunch!

Andrew took me on a fancy date to the Melting Pot. They had complimentary valet service which we both thought was way over the top. We were seated in a little private section with a fire place. And the waiter set our chocolate fondue on fire for effect. Wow.

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