If I could just focus, I might actually finish a book. Here's what I'm reading and writing at the moment:
-Medical/Surgical Nursing, to review everything about diabetes, and taking notes
-Resident Monitoring and Assessment for Longterm Care Nurses, a new book to help me at my job
-Pre-calculus In A Nutshell, to review because I'm a nerd, and a notebook to work problems
-National Geographic, because it has cool pictures
-my journal
-Boundaries. I resisted reading it for awhile but maybe that's just because it would show me areas I need to change. I took the recommendation and it's good so far.
-verse memory journal
-Debating Calvinism. A written debate from both sides of the issue. I'm having a hard time getting far because both extremes frustrate me so.
-prayer journal
-Secure in the Everlasting Arms. Elisabeth Elliot is such a good influence on me. The theme of her reminders that are most beneficial to me could perhaps be summed up in Psalm 16:5-
"Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure." I read one of her two-page perspective-realligning chapters every couple days.
-Neither Poverty Nor Riches: A Biblical Theology of Possessions. The best book on material possessions I've read because rather than pushing an agenda, it spells out what the Bible says. I am then left to apply it as God leads.
-yet another journal.
-the Bible. In Deuteronomy and Luke. Love reading it through.
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