Wednesday, January 7, 2009

eating peaches in an apple tree

Well Happy New Year to you! Time has flown by!! I had a wonderful time in Colorado for a week at Christmastime! It was great to see my parents

and my siblings and Charlie:)

:) How wonderful:):)

I also got to see a few friends! It's hard to go home and come back so quickly... but I'm sure glad I got to go!!

Since then, life has been about the same around here. Still waiting for that "big girl" job until I can get the license that everyone says is required... I'm hoping for it any day now, but it could take up to three more months.

The biggest news is that I have acquired another part-time job to keep me busy and breaking even in the meantime- at my favorite gourmet burrito place, CHIPOTLE MEXICAN GRILL!


Some obstacles met, overcome, and celebrated...

#1- I fixed my dryer. It was taking four cycles to dry the clothes and then I found the lint filter. I guess that's a big fire hazard. It seems I can't give updates without saying things to make people worry.

(maybe you can't see but this is a big, inch-thick sheet of just LINT)

#2- It's rained several times and every time my feet would get soaked, and I do mean dripping wet. Because of a hole in the heels, turns out. I got new shoes! ROCKETDOGS. This particular style is called the Geek Squad. I think they're HOT

So I will be more busy now with two jobs and trying to sleep. I've become quite fond of my days of sleeping in, exercising, reading, and park-walking. Part of this has been reading old nursing textbooks trying to keep things "fresh" in my mind... often learning things I may have missed the first time. I'm trying to keep being disciplined to keep this up in the midst of a busier week.

I could see my breath outside when I went to work this morning. That is truly cold, Arizona, and I am proud:)


Linnea Mintzer said...

How did you forget about dryer lint? :P

Bethany said...

Wow, I'm impressed by the dryer lint picture. I also love your shoes, as I may have mentioned when I first saw them. Was that over Christmas or in August?