Sunday, November 29, 2009


Hmm... I've had this blog for over a year! And I still haven't figured out how to blog, really.

I went to AZ a week and a half ago and had the beesstt time. It was so good to hang out with Andrew. We went to the Botanical Gardens, watched Kung Fu Panda, and had Mojo frozen yogurt, among many other fun things. How fun is that? Plus, we went on a hike with Bonnie. And then Bonnie and I went on another hike, and then Bonnie planned the funnest girls night. I got to hang out with lots of cool girls, and make calzones, and then eat calzones, and then go to Applebees for more talking and giggling. It was a packed couple of days. But it was so good!

I've also really been enjoying being at home. If you didn't know, my family is the coolest. I'm so blessed to have a family that I don't just love, but also like. I've been having more "face time" with people that are near and dear to me, and that is AWESOME.

I am re-reading some favorite books. I just finished Good News for those Trying Harder by Alan Kraft. God changed my life during the time I was in the church he pastored, a church that kept talking about the gospel, but got me to really understand that I am more sinful than I realize but I have a Savior greater than I can imagine. Next I will re-read Practicing the Presence of God, the conglomeration of Brother Lawrence's letters, and then probably CS Lewis' Mere Christianity and then hopefully Seven by Jeff Cook. Then I can move on to new reading material. Any suggestions on good stuff? I also started the One Year through the Bible plan, where you read a bit of the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs every day. It is so good. Other readings are good, but Scripture is... well, it's God-breathed, I guess that explains why it's so life-giving in a way that nothing else is!

I have finally finished my re-vamped resume and cover letter and start actually applying places this week. I am a little interested to see what God has for me. I know that there might be a nursing job in store for me, and that would be exciting. But at the same time, I'm settling in well at this Chipotle, and I'm at the place where if my future career is in Chipotle, that will be good too. I have found favor with my overseers, and this looks like a possibility right now. I am praying that God's will be done. A rather thrilling thing to ask for!

The Christmas season is upon us once again. However did that happen?! I vividly remember this time last year and can sincerely say that I am so grateful to God for the places he's taken me, the ways he's provided for me, and the blessings he's poured out on me. He is a God that deals bountifully with his children.

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