Tuesday, April 19, 2011

ze daily grind

For a long time I had a boring life. Then it seemed with all the moves, new jobs, traveling, and not to mention romance, for a couple years there was something somewhat interesting going on. Now, it's back to normal--boring. But perhaps boring is the wrong word, I don't mean for it to sound negative. Maybe "dull" is more neutral-- simply lacking in brilliance, intensity, and variety.

Hah, that still sounds like I'm feeling sorry for myself. I'm not. This is refreshing. I'm feeling quite relieved to have a rhythm, a routine. It's actually something I've taken care to safeguard of late, for my own sanity's sake.

I'm trying to grow in "daily" things, like housekeeping (though I'm still a level 1 novice in that arena... luckily, I have a patient and able to take care of himself husband), reading (did you know I have a book blog? http://bookssarahsread.blogspot.com), and "seeking God's face, not only his hand"-- his character, not just his guidance.

I'm reveling in the ability to spend EVERY SINGLE DAY with my husband. Our spendfivewholedaystogether then be states apart for five long weeks routine worked for a time but is not a good way to do things long-term.

Life this way is less adrenaline, more discipline. Less exciting, but just as valuable. I'll soak up this season and enjoy it.

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