Sunday, May 10, 2009


My car was found on Thursday morning! Not twenty-four hours after being stolen! And aside from my a/c no longer having freon and my sunglasses being stolen:( the car is in great condition! (At least, I can't tell anything wrong with it... I'll probably get another opinion soon though!) What an amazing blessing!! It was recovered. It is driveable. It was even found before my weekend vacation so I only had to pay for one day at the impound lot. Phew!

I left early Friday morning to come home for Kimmie's wedding! We spent Friday finishing errands, decorating, rehearsing, and doing nails! Yesterday was full of more last-minute preparations, and of course getting prettied up for the ceremony! I was too busy to take any pictures... but hopefully some will appear on facebook soon for me to share! Kimmie was a beautiful bride! The whole ceremony was beautiful and truly God-honoring. What a joy!

Now, I admit, I am looking forward to a couple days of quiet:) I am still home and it is a rainy, cool day. I just had coffee with my dear ones Crystal and Julie and am about to spend Mothers Day with my family.

Man, I've got it good:)

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